FORMULA = 62-860174-005
Artikelnummer: 62-860161-004
Hersteller: | Brunswick Bowling Products |
Formula 45™ Lane Conditioner
Formula 45 is designed with one main goal – satisfying bowling center customers. Stable bases and a new additive allow Formula 45 to lay out faster than any conditioner presently on the market, while providing the most predictable pattern transition bowlers deserve. Formula 45 can be used in all Brunswick Direct+ systems as well as all other wickless machines. Formula 45 is not recommended for use in wick style machines.
• Performs best on low to medium friction surfaces
• Durable pattern performance
• Easy to clean
• ThroBot™ tested
• 100% silicone free
• erhältlich im Karton mit 4 Stck. á 1,0 Gallonen Gebinde
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